Transmission Repair
The best service and repair for your vehicle transmission.
Your car’s transmission is the vehicle’s most complicated and least understood major component. In later model cars, it is a combination of sophisticated hydraulics and computer-controlled components.
New model cars also incorporate the third major component. The differential or final drive, into the body of the transmission itself, these types of transmissions are known as transaxles.
Modern models configuration is efficient in terms of fuel economy, handling and manufacturing costs; however, with the additional components housed within the transaxle unit, when it fails, it is generally more expensive to repair.
A transmission/transaxle properly rebuilt can deliver longevity equal to or in excess of your car’s original.
In many cases, transmission models are updated in their component design(s) by the manufacturer to improve performance over earlier units and/or overcome particular problem areas. A good transmission specialist will incorporate these updated designs and parts into his rebuild in order to make certain the consumer receives the longest transmission life possible and to reduce his warranty liability from premature failure.
Or vehicles used in severe driving conditions, there are additional precautions which can be taken to insure against premature failure and make a vehicle better able to deliver the performance the owner wants in these unusual driving conditions.
Some severe driving conditions include heavy city (stop and go) driving, regular mountainous driving, pulling heavy loads, unusually warm climate, and trailer towing. Under these conditions it may be advisable to install a valve body kit or additional external transmission cooler.
If you subject your vehicle to these types of driving conditions, please feel free to contact Radiant Car Workshop. They will be pleased to make the appropriate recommendations to insure that your vehicle meets your motoring needs.